Feb. 1, 2017, 4:04 p.m.
Eating Disorders are not a choice but a serious illness. An eating disorder is not a diet gone too far, a trend or a choice. It is a serious, often devastating illness where the only real choice is to get help.
This year, we want to promote the message that eating disorders are not a choice. We are doing this by hosting events online and in person and collaborating with like-organizations from coast-to-coast.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of eating disorder organizations across the country, over 50 municipalities are acknowledging EDAW with municipal proclamations and local events. This year, 6 provinces have proclaimed EDAW provincially!
Landmarks across Canada will be lit purple to commemorate the week including: the CN Tower, Niagara Falls etc. etc. This purple is symbolic of the work we are doing to raise awareness about eating disorders.
To kick off the week, we will be hosting a Twitter chat on Wednesday, February 1st from 12PM-1PM EST. Join us (@theNEDIC) using the hashtag #EDAW2017 to join in the conversation about Eating Disorder awareness.
On Thursday, February 2nd, we will be hosting our first ever VoicED event at Comedy Bar (945 Bloor Street West). The event will be an evening of Art, Music, Comedy and Spoken Word. Doors open at 7:30 and performances begin at 8:00PM. Visual art will be showcased in the lobby throughout the evening for your viewing pleasure. Ticket prices are $10 or $5 for students with valid ID. All proceeds go towards supporting NEDIC’s programming.
We are also launching our online campaign #NotAChoice, where individuals have taken photographs of themselves holding signs that express how eating disorders have affected their lives. Watch out for these images online and create your own to join in!
NEDIC works 365 days a year to raise awareness for eating disorders. We hope that you are able to join us for this special week, raise awareness, and bring us one step closer to breaking the stigma surrounding eating disorders!
Wednesday February 1
12PM Twitter Chat @theNEDIC
Thursday February 2
VoicED (Comedy Bar 945 Bloor Street West, Ossington Subway Station)
Tickets at comedybar.ca