Jan. 12, 2021, 4:31 p.m.
NEDIC’s service provider directory houses information about programs, clinicians, and professionals located in Canada who work with individuals living with and affected by eating disorders. We welcome practitioners from a variety of disciplines, including therapists, counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors, dietitians, and more. Services provided by individuals listed in the directory include psychotherapy, medical care, nutrition counselling, professionally-facilitated support, and peer support, and may be delivered in physical spaces or virtually. We draw from the directory to refer clients on our helpline to services that might fit their needs. Available online, anyone can search the directory to find out about services that exist across the country and, using the filters, to locate services that meet specific criteria. The exact same information* that is accessible for our use at NEDIC available to anyone who searches the directory.
While we conduct ongoing outreach to clinicians to ensure that we are as up-to-date as possible, we also welcome inquiries from professionals who have training and experience in eating disorders who would like to register for a profile in the directory.
To get the process started, please fill in this Service Provider Listing Registration Form and return it to nedic@uhn.ca with the subject line 'Service Provider Listing Registration Form'.
Once we have reviewed your form, we will schedule a call with you to learn a little bit about your experience, and to confirm the accuracy of the information that you submitted and that your practice is aligned with NEDIC’s non-dieting, weight-inclusive, feminist, client-centred philosophies. We will then create a profile for you that is searchable by anyone using our website and follow up with an email message containing a link and password that will enable you to access it yourself.
You can log in at any time using the link and password that will be provided to you to edit the information in your profile. If you are not taking new clients, you may wish to add a note to your profile. Please let us know if you would prefer instead for your profile to be temporarily deactivated while you are not taking clients, or if you close your practice so we can remove your profile altogether. We will email you once a year to request that you log in and verify that your profile is up to date. We will also add you to a mailing list so that we can contact you about your profile and other related topics on an infrequent basis. We ask that you do not unsubscribe from this list, and may deactivate your profile if you do.
We ask that providers refrain from using chat to contact us about their profile so that we can leave the helpline available to folks who need it.
* Your profile includes the option to keep your physical address private. We need to have an email address on file so that we can contact you about your profile, but you can have an alternate email (or no email) listed for the public. The listing that administrators see is slightly different to the one that the public can see for that reason. Any other questions? Email nedic@uhn.ca.
Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash
March 2, 2020, 1:01 p.m.
Feb. 4, 2018, 6:24 p.m.