Feb. 7, 2018, 2:53 p.m.
Organizations across Canada worked tremendously hard and achieved incredible awareness and recognition for EDAW!
Twitter Chat
We kicked off the week with a twitter chat to start the conversation about why we participate in Eating Disorder Awareness Week and what this year’s theme of “One Size Doesn’t Fit All” means to us. Check out the hashtag #7BillionSizesChat to see more.
Too Fat To Fit: Webinar
May Friedman, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Ryerson University and Sabrina Friedman, Social Worker presented a webinar “Too Fat to Fit: Examining Fat, Fear and the Role of Size Acceptance”. The recording can be watched at https://youtu.be/mm4i6goG26Q.
Extending the Conversation: Panel Discussion
NEDIC, NIED, and Sheena’s Place hosted a panel discussion around the EDAW theme of One Size Does Not Fit All. The panel was once again livestreamed for viewers across the country, and the CMHA’s Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge branch hosted a simultaneous viewing of the panel in Peterborough. We are so appreciative of the panelists, who generously shared their experiences and knowledge.
On Tuesday, February 6th, the Toronto community came together to share art, music, comedy and spoken word to talk about Eating Disorders and how they affect our lives. Brave performers shared poignant, powerful performances, infinite creativity and some laughs. We left Tranzac Club feeling both inspired and emotional.
NEDIC placement students and staff, including Alicia and Roy shared resources and information at displays at Toronto General and Western Hospitals over EDAW.
#OneSizeDoesNotFit All #7BillionSizes #EDAW2018 #SemTA2018
NEDIC is committed to spreading the word that eating disorders are as diverse as the people they affect. We are grateful for all of the organizations we collaborated with, all of the provincial and municipal governments that proclaimed eating disorder awareness week and most of all, you for your participation, passion and endless dedication to raising awareness about eating disorders and how they affect so many Canadians each year. Our work does not stop at the end of this week but continues every day throughout the year. We are glad to have you on our team and are looking forward to continue in the work to raise awareness about Eating Disorders in Canada.