Aeryon Ashlie
Jan. 4, 2017, 5:33 p.m.
Recently, I gave my talk “Bulimia to Balance” at the Vancouver Health show. In the process of going over my slides I was reviewing the 10 tools I have used to overcome my eating disorder and food issues.
What stood out to me was how I have come to embody so much of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in my day-to-day life without being conscious of it.
If you are unfamiliar with CBT, its basic premise is that your thoughts create your feelings, which, in turn, create your actions. And, we all know that an action, or lack thereof, will produce a result.
This is considered “Basic Psychology,” and is the intellectual premise behind the slogan “Create your own Reality”.
For example, if I am thinking empowered thoughts in regards to my fitness and my body, then my feelings of self love will result in actions such as going to the gym, eating right, and honoring myself. The reality then becomes a healthier, stronger me.
However, if I think the opposite and remain stuck in disempowered thoughts such as “I can’t lose weight,” “I have no motivation,” or “My family has bad genetics”. Then I promise you, reaching any health and wellness goal will not only be challenging, but near impossible.
Using CBT in all areas of your life, and becoming aware of the power of your thoughts can greatly effect everything from work, intimate relationships, and finances – the list goes on and on.
Our inner dialogue (and the conversations we have with others) determines both how we feel, as well as how we approach our lives.
If we think we ‘cannot’ or ‘do not’ deserve something then I can promise you, we will not put our energy into making it happen. As, we already are starting from a place of defeat.
Especially important for me, as a parent, is that I make sure to have these conversations with my daughter. As, it is important to me that she is conscious of her internal dialogue and chooses empowered language. It has been fascinating to watch how this shift has affected her in regards to schooling, gymnastics, etc…
I admit it still takes work, and I catch myself from time to time unconsciously lost in unhealthy and unproductive thought. Learning to be aware of these thoughts and recognizing their affect in our lives is an important and powerful tool that can truly be life altering.
Aeryon Ashlie has been involved in the Canadian health and fitness industry in a variety of capacities for the past 15+ years. Aeryon made her entrance onto the competitive fitness scene in 2002 and began winning competitions while training out of Toronto, ON. While preparing for each competition and training others, Aeryon was able to gather a vast knowledge and understanding of exercise and nutrition, especially with respect to a woman’s body. She is an Award winning Account Manager for one of Canada’s leading supplement companies.
Although Aeryon has extensive understanding of exercise and nutrition, she still had her own prolonged personal battles with weight acceptance. Aeryon has been struggling with Bulimia for over 20 years.
Aeryon is keen to share her story and open up the conversation around eating disorders, fitness management and promoting a positive Self Body Image, whether it be a personal struggle or in support of family and friends.