Blog Submission Guidelines for Authors
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the NEDIC blog! Please review the following guidelines prior to submission.
Your Submission:
We welcome submissions sent to nedic.blog@gmail.com. Please include the following with your submission:
1. Draft of your blog (300-1000 words), adhering to the content requirements below.
- Please proofread for correct spelling and grammar prior to submission
- Please include a title for your blog
- Your submission should be a Word document or a Google Doc shared with the nedic.blog@gmail.com email address.
- Please do not submit your blog as a PDF.
2. A photo to be published alongside the blog.
- This photo will be used as the header image of the blog post. Please submit a photo that is royalty free and connected to the perspective or meaning of the submission. Photos of this nature can be found through websites such as Unsplash.
- Please be mindful that images of bodies or food can be triggering for some readers.
- If you do not wish to choose a photo, we will choose one for the blog.
3. An author bio (100 words or less) to accompany the blog submission.
- You may include social media handles in your bio.
- If you wish to remain anonymous, an author bio is not required.
Content Guidelines:
At NEDIC, we are committed to curating our platforms to share meaningful content with our followers. We invite writers with a variety of perspectives to share their experiences on our blog, with the intention of providing information, hope, support, and a sense of connection and community to our readers.
While content does not have to be positive or hopeful, in order to keep our blog page a safe and welcoming space, we ask that writers:
- Avoid content that mimics or reinforces unhelpful norms or ideals;
- Refrain from submitting content that marginalizes any body type or group of individuals;
- Screen for potentially triggering content. (Examples include body weights or measurements, as well as specific tools used in a dieting regime, including calorie amounts, over-exercising ‘rules’, statements about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods, etc.)
- We are unable to use the platform for promotional or fundraising purposes.
We understand that lived experiences with eating disorders vary greatly. When writing about personal experiences, we recommend that authors speak from first person perspective to avoid making generalizations. For more tips for sharing about lived experience, see the National Eating Disorder Association and Sheena's Place webpages.
We encourage authors to also consider the following:
- Who is the intended audience? Are you looking to reach medical professionals, others with lived experience, parents, etc.?
- What do you hope readers will gain from your post? Are you providing suggestions for advocacy, hope for people who are experiencing symptoms, or information on a specific topic? Having a clear intention is a great way to prepare for writing your post.
- Are you comfortable with the content you have shared? Sharing personal stories can be a meaningful way to raise awareness and express ourselves. However, sometimes what someone feels comfortable sharing at one time, may be something they wish they hadn’t at a later date. It is an important act of self-compassion to pause and ensure that you are respecting your own boundaries around what you want to share in your efforts to raise awareness through this platform.
Please Note:
- The NEDIC Blog coordinators may edit submitted content. All edits will be sent for review to the original author prior to posting.
- A trigger warning may be posted on blog submissions at the discretion of NEDIC staff.
- Due to the volume of blog submissions, there may be a delay in response. We appreciate your patience!
- Please note that, while we appreciate and read every blog submission, not every submission will be published.
Thank you again for your submission.
We appreciate your generosity in sharing your work with the NEDIC community!
If you're interested in submitting, email us at