Note: “Latin-America Diasporic Communities” was selected for the title to refer to people with ancestry in what many know today as Latin-America and what was pre-colonially known as Abya Yala and Pachamama among other names, in a way that recognizes connection to this geographic region and Land, rather than imposing an identity term (Vásquez Jiménez, 2018). For readability, however, throughout this resource the gender-inclusive term “Latine” is used to refer to individuals and communities who identify as having roots in Latin-America.
"The purpose of this resource is not to generalize the experience of all communities here in what is colonially known as Canada with geographical origins or ancestry in Latin-America. It was created to share the experiences of two women of Latine ethnicity, with the hope that other members of our communities who struggle with any kind of eating disorder, in reading this, feel seen and supported. Even though we differ in our identities as individuals, there is no denying that Latine communities are affected by the ongoing consequences of colonialism and white supremacy, such as intergenerational trauma, religious trauma, patriarchy, racism (particularly anti-Blackness and anti-Indigeneity), ableism, saneism, anti-fatness, and poverty."
Consultant: Lucia Eyzaguirre
Consultant-content writers: Kelly Rivera and Magali Santana
Reviewers: Alejandra Botia and Andrea Vásquez Jiménez
Edited by the NEDIC team, published 2023
Support to navigate the healthcare system in Spanish:
Medical consultations:
Eating disorder support groups:
BIPOC support:
Podcasts in Spanish:
Social media accounts in Spanish:
Informational resources in Spanish for loved ones:
Informational resources in Portuguese for loved ones: