Beyond Images/Au-delà de l’image is a turn-key curriculum developed by NEDIC and made possible by the generous support of the Dove Self-Esteem Project. Free online lesson plans for grades 4 through 8 fill a gap in media literacy curricula nationally, including activities that make a positive difference in combating body-based bullying and negative stereotypes.
This free curriculum provides students with the opportunity to explore key issues in today's society around body image and self-esteem as well as media messaging, while developing critical thinking skills. Available in both English and French, and revised to meet 2016 curriculum standards for Canadian provinces and territories, the Beyond Images/Au-delà de l’image curriculum is a powerful tool in creating authentic learning opportunities for students in the classroom.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery. Help build understanding and resilience towards negative messaging in students and in the schoolyard! Beyond Images/Au-delà de l’image meets students where they’re at and takes them further!
For more information and access to the curriculum